Oneida Health Purchase Office

321 Genesee Street
Oneida, NY 13421

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Welcome Sales and Service Vendors!

Our policy for conducting business with Oneida Health is shown below. Copies of our policies related to vendor conduct are available for review in the Purchasing Office upon visitation and through our vendor credentialing service, Green Security

Vendor Credentialing Services Website

Register at:

The Purchasing Office

The Purchasing office shall act as a liaison between employees and vendors. Vendors must first have their products reviewed through the Purchasing office prior to discussing with the corresponding department to ensure correct GPO affiliations, confirm product usage, and determine need.


Oneida Health is eligible for Vizient and Captis purchasing group contracts as well as New York State contracts. Oneida Health may also negotiate pricing as warranted. Signed agreements and/or Purchase Orders are required for any and all purchases.

Operating Room and Physician Visits

Vendors planning to discuss O.R.-related surgical or patient care items must meet with, or speak to, the O.R. Manager prior to visiting any employee or physician. Product information including pricing, reimbursement, and instructions for use must be provided prior to any physician discussions. Vendors providing products/equipment associated with surgical or other procedures are required to pre-assess needs with staff, provide adequate types and quantities of appropriate items, and provide backups that may be utilized in the event that the primary product/equipment cannot be used for any reason. Any items used for trial purposes must be provided at discounted pricing or at no-charge in order to be used in surgical cases.

Visitation Hours & Appointments for Oneida Health Campus

Vendors are required to conduct business by appointment during the routine hours of operations of the Purchasing department, Monday through Friday, 7:30 am – 4:00 pm, excluding holidays. Vendors with scheduled appointments must check-in using the Green Security credentialing system either in the Purchasing office or in the main lobby. If you are not credentialed through Green Security, you may not be permitted to continue onto your appointment. Vendors without appointments cannot be guaranteed admittance. All vendors without appointments are required to report to the Purchasing Office upon entering the facility. Vendors must wear their Green Security pass while on the premises and adhere to all current Oneida Health policies and procedures. Vendors shall restrict visitation to the department(s) and employee(s) listed on the pass and are required to sign out prior to leaving the premises. Vendors visiting Oneida Health clinics must first have scheduled appointments; they also must adhere to the same policies and procedures as well as be credentialed through Green Security.

Visitation Hours & Appointments for Oneida Health owned Clinics/Practices

Vendors are highly encouraged to conduct business by appointment, during the routine hours of operations of the clinic/practice with the prior cognizance and approval from an Oneida Health employee in a position of authority in that location. Do not contact physicians directly by email, office phone or personal phone, unless specifically directed to do so. Vendors are subject to the same vendor credentialing requirements as is required for hospital and nursing home visitation and must wear their VCS badge in plain sight during the visitation. Vendors without appointments cannot be guaranteed admittance.

Vendor Accreditation & Policy Compliance

Vendors are required to be accredited and in good standing with Green Security prior to visiting any Oneida Health department, especially where they may come in contact with patients/residents or protected health information. Green Security requires that vendors acknowledge that they will comply with all Oneida Health policies and procedures as a condition of accreditation. Vendors who are not accredited, or are not in good standing with Green Security may be denied visitation privileges upon arrival and/or or may be denied visitation privileges permanently if circumstances warrant such action.

The Director of Materials Management or Purchasing staff may temporarily or permanently exempt selected vendors from the requirement to be accredited by Green Security, with reasonable discretion, when there is no clear and/or present indication of danger to patients/residents or protected health information. However, visitation privileges are still contingent upon adherence to all Oneida Health policies and procedures regardless of the vendor’s level of knowledge of those policies and procedures.

Notice of Policies and Procedures

Notice of Oneida Health policies and procedures shall be deemed officially and sufficiently communicated to Vendors through the Green Security accreditation system. Notice shall not require any form of verbal or written acknowledgement from vendors. Lack of vendor awareness of, or adherence to, any applicable Oneida Health policies and procedures shall not be deemed a failure of Oneida Health to provide sufficient notice and does not relieve the vendor from adhering to them nor does it relieve the vendor from complying with any applicable laws and regulations as a condition to visitation privileges. Vendors’ visitation privileges are contingent upon compliance with all current Oneida Health policies and procedures as they are amended.

Adherence to Policies & Procedures

Vendors visitation privileges are contingent upon compliance with all current Oneida Health Policies and Policies as they are amended, including those related to the prohibited use of Tobacco and all related Tobacco products, on the grounds of buildings owned and operated by Oneida Health. Also, individuals will not be allowed to use Tobacco in their vehicles while on Oneida Health premises.

Non-VCS Accredited Vendors

Employees may have valid reasons for allowing a Vendor who is not accredited with VCS to visit their department. In those instances the visited department shall take all reasonable precautions to limit the visitation area to areas that avoid contact with patients/residents and protected health information to the extent possible and continually monitor their activity. Upon the conclusion of the visit, the department employee must direct the non-accredited Vendor back to the Purchasing office where the Vendor will be required to sign-out and immediately exit the building and campus. These actions are necessary to protect the health, safety, welfare and privacy of patients/residents.

Exemptions from VCS Accreditation

The Director of Materials Management, or Purchasing staff may temporarily or permanently exempt selected Vendors from the requirement to be accredited by VCS, with reasonable discretion, when there is no clear and/or present indication of danger to patients/residents or protected health information, without further investigation, however, visitation privileges are still contingent upon adherence to all Oneida Health Policies and procedures regardless of the Vendor’s level of knowledge of those policies and procedures. Latitude for exception judgment is necessary to assure business continuity and service to patients/residents.

Suspicious Vendor Activity

Oneida Health employees shall monitor vendors at all times in areas where Protected Healthcare Information is available and shall immediately report any suspicious activities according to policies related to confidentiality and privacy and take actions needed to mitigate the inappropriate activity immediately.

Purchase & Contractual Commitments

Purchase or contractual commitments to a Vendor shall be honored only if the Purchasing Department has issued a valid purchase order number. The only exceptions are the Pharmaceutical, Dietary Departments, who operate separately from the Purchasing department under their own policies and procedures, or excluded confidential administrative professional commitments.

Equipment & Samples

Equipment and Samples shall not be brought in to the facility, demonstrated or distributed on the premises without the direct permission of the Director of Materials Management or Purchasing Department.

Pharmaceutical Samples

Pharmaceutical samples shall not be distributed on the premises without the direct permission of the Director of Pharmacy or designee.

Vendor Parking

Vendors shall park in west lot #1 only. Vendors shall not park in the handicapped zone nor the area designated as parking for the three-to-eleven shift.  Parking in any other restricted area may result in fines or removal of the vehicle in violation.

Please refer to our Contact Page on the website for the Purchasing Office and employee contact information.

Thank you and we look forward to your assistance in providing Exceptional care to our customers!